With Level I Threat Deterrence as the foundation, Level II Direct Action is a highly expanded collection of Protection Capabilities that will satisfy almost all of the Protection requirements that almost anyone would have. AlpinHaus Direct Action Protection Dogs are unique in their abilities to execute their commands and do so at a very sophisticated, unparalleled level.

Level II is where AlpinHaus Dogs become actually lethal. They will Attack on Command, Stop Attacking on Command, Re-Attack either by Command or by Automatic Trigger and can execute a true Bark-and Hold, amongst other things. At the heart of Level II capabilities lies Activated Defense Mode, a state of Readiness that AlpinHaus Dogs possess that creates a level of hyper-intelligent security for their Owner/Handlers.

AlpinHaus Level II Protection Dogs have ON and OFF Switches that are very, very well defined and reliable.

Direct Action Features:


At your command, the AlpinHaus Protection Dog will run and place a Threat into an AlpinHaus Bark & Hold, wherein our Dog will pin the Threat in-place after you instruct the Threat to remain still. This gives you time to call the police while the AlpinHaus Protection Dog is in front of the Threat facing it down, barking at him or her and keeping the Threat fully neutralized. If the Threat moves to attack either the Dog or you, or if the Threat tries to flee from position, he or she will be immediately neutralized by the AlpinHaus Protection Dog and brought to the ground.

Attack on Command

Once our Dog is given the Command, it will run and Attack the Threat it perceives, bringing the Threat to the ground and quickly neutralizing it. AlpinHaus Protection Dogs are trained in very specific ways to execute Attacks that take into consideration the Target of the bite, the Method of biting and the Ground Game that results after the bite.

Stop Attack

When Commanded, the AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Stop the Attack on the Threat and standby in Activated Defense Mode, next to the Threat, waiting for further instructions.

When Commanded, the AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Stop the Attack on the Threat and standby in Activated Defense Mode, next to the Threat, waiting for further instructions.


If a Stop Attack has been Commanded, and the Threat moves improperly, usually either to escape or fight back at either the Dog or You, the AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Automatically re-ignite the Attack until commanded again to Stop or until the Threat stops moving.

If a Stop Attack has been Commanded, and the Threat moves improperly, usually either to escape or fight back at either the Dog or You, the AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Automatically re-ignite the Attack until commanded again to Stop or until the Threat stops moving.

Return to Owner

Once our Dog is done Defending you and you are satisfied that the Threat is neutralized, you can Command the AlpinHaus Protection Dog to come back to you in the Heel position. Upon arrival, our Dog will remain in Activated Defense Mode, fully ready to Re-Attack if appropriate.



If the AlpinHaus Protection Dog has been Commanded to Bark at someone threatening, and that person tries to attack either you or the Dog, the Dog will Automatically Defend you by Attacking the Assailant. No Command need be given in this specific circumstance. The same will apply if the Dog has a Threat pinned in a Bark & Hold. Note – Our Dogs will NEVER Auto-Attack someone unless it has been placed into Activated Defense Mode via either a Bark-on-Command or a Bark & Hold order.

Based in Europe and the United States – We Hand Deliver Worldwide.

United States: (855) 922-3101

Europe: +33 (0)6 47 91 40 91