AlpinHaus Protection Dogs are designed to work with Individuals, Families and the Personal Security Apparatus of Families or Individuals. All of our Protection Dogs have ON and OFF switches. No one that meets them ever thinks that they are Protection Dogs.
You will discover that at AlpinHaus we create the most Sophisticated Protection Dogs in the world. We invite you to compare AlpinHaus Protection Dogs to any other, and every other, Protection Dog that exists anywhere and discover the truth for yourself.
AlpinHaus Shepherds Protection Dogs start at $65,000
AlpinHaus Protection Dogs are designed to work with Individuals, Families and the Personal Security Apparatus of Families or Individuals. All of our Protection Dogs have ON and OFF switches. No one that meets them ever thinks that they are Protection Dogs.
You will discover that at AlpinHaus we create the most Sophisticated Protection Dogs in the world. We invite you to compare our Protection Dogs to any other, and every other, Protection Dog that exists anywhere and discover the truth for yourself.
AlpinHaus Shepherds Protection Dogs start at $65,000
AlpinHaus Protection levels
At AlpinHaus we have 4 distinct levels of Protection capability that we create in our Family and Personal Protection Dogs. From simple but effective Threat Deterrence to the highest level of Protection Dogs ever to exist - 2 Dog Protection Teams, we provide the fullest range of capabilities across the fullest range of Price levels.
AlpinHaus Protection Training Approach
Our approach to Training at AlpinHaus is as unique as the Dogs we produce.
This is because we train at the highest levels of Obedience, Socialization and Protection, and then weave all three disciplines together like three strands of DNA to produce what ultimately becomes an AlpinHaus Personal or Family Protection Dog.
No one else does this to the extent that we do.