With Level II Direct Action as the foundation, Level III Dynamic Defense is a suite of capabilities unique to AlpinHaus. No one else in the world offers these sophisticated combinations of skillsets with the same degree of fluency at this truly Elite level.

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog is trained to stay with you as you move, regardless of how you move, as a Threat moves as well. Going backwards, sideways, circles, forwards, diagonally, it doesn’t matter, the Dog will stay by your side facing off against the Threat. This will allow you to turn around and walk away knowing that if the Threat closes in on you and moves to attack, your Dog will Defend you.

It also allows you the space to find your way through challenging terrain or circumstances knowing that you are safe the entire time. This is also a perfect skill set for younger or older persons in your family as they will not have to think too much when faced with a threatening situation. Additionally, incorporating The Stand Down and The Transport into the universe of possible Protection scenarios offers you complete control over any scenario that might arise.

Dynamic Defense Features:

The Stand Down

The Stand Down is the centerpiece to maximum fluency between Commands that the AlpinHaus Protection Dog has mastered. It gives you wider range of action because it creates space and time for more possibilities for you to calmly take direction of a threatening situation and assume control of its outcome.

The Transport

The Transport allows you to not just stop a Threat in its tracks but to also take complete control of it. Disarming the Threat, checking pockets for weapons and ultimately moving the Threat under cover of complete safety, should you elect to do so, are all now available to you.

Call Off

If the AlpinHaus Protection Dog has been Commanded to either place someone in a Bark & Hold or Commanded to Attack a Threat, and is running to towards the Threat to execute the Command and you decide to Call Off the Dog, thereby cancelling the previous Command, you can do this upon Command. The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Stop and Return to Owner.

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