Elite Obedience

At AlpinHaus our Dogs are Obedience trained for Real Life situations and scenarios. They must be comfortable and create comfort for their Owners by being able to adapt reliably and safely to environments and situations they will find themselves in day in and day out.

Below you will find a long and extensive video catalog of our beautiful Dogs not showing their Obedience on a field in isolation somewhere but instead in multiple real-world environments. And at various ages. From busy international airports to village centers to the homes they were raised in to knee-deep virgin snow, we demonstrate our majestic Dogs in as many situations as we are able to train them in. This is the real-life Obedience that people truly need for their Dogs in general and Protection Dogs in particular. And this is what we train at AlpinHaus.

Elite Obedience

At AlpinHaus our Dogs are Obedience trained for Real Life situations and scenarios. They must be comfortable and create comfort for their Owners by being able to adapt reliably and safely to environments and situations they will find themselves in day in and day out.

Below you will find a long and extensive video catalog of our beautiful Dogs not showing their Obedience on a field in isolation somewhere but instead in multiple real-world environments. And at various ages. From busy international airports to village centers to the homes they were raised in to knee-deep virgin snow, we demonstrate our majestic Dogs in as many situations as we are able to train them in. This is the real-life Obedience that people truly need for their Dogs in general and Protection Dogs in particular. And this is what we train at AlpinHaus.

AlpinHaus Elite Obedience Features:

Heeling Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will stay on your left side by your leg as you walk. If you stop for a prolonged period of time (or often a short time) the Dog will automatically sit. He or she will remain in position here until released.

Recall Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will return to you when told to “Come”, reliably and quickly.

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will return to you when told to “Come”, reliably and quickly.

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will return to you when told to “Come”, reliably and quickly.

Down-Stay Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will lay Down and Stay in position until told to be released or until another Command is given.

Sit-Stay Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will Sit and Stay in position until told to be released or until another Command is given.

Bed Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will go to the Dog bed (or any other bed of your choosing upon being trained for it) and stay in place until released from it.

Finish Command

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will come into the Heel position by your left leg and Sit, awaiting further orders.

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will come into the Heel position by your left leg and Sit, awaiting further orders.

Car Trained

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will enter and exit your car upon Command. Additionally, the Dog will not venture into the front of the car while you are driving or away from the car.

The AlpinHaus Protection Dog will enter and exit your car upon Command. Additionally, the Dog will not venture into the front of the car while you are driving or away from the car.

Break Command

The “Break!” Command is used to release AlpinHaus Protection Dogs from being either in compliance with another Command or as an exit-enabling Command, for example to exit a Car or a House or their Crates. “Break!” will liberate the AlpinHaus Dog and allow him/her to freely go wherever and do whatever they might want.

Crate Command

The “Crate!” Command is used to instruct AlpinHaus Protection Dogs to go into their Crates. Although it’s worth noting that oftentimes the Command isn’t even needed. They should not exit their Crates without the Command “Break!” being offered.

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