Training Options

An AlpinHaus Exclusive. AlpinHaus Protection Dogs can be trained to conduct a Search of your Property in the event that you think an Intruder may have violated your No Trespass notice and could be presenting danger. Our Dogs can be sent outside from safely inside your Home, and will search your Property and put any Threat it finds into a Bark & Hold while you call the police or otherwise address the situation. In the event that the Threat attempts to flee or harm the Dog, the AlpinHaus Dog will Auto-Attack and neutralize the Threat immediately. This is a bespoke offering that must be customized to each client based on the particular property layout and needs / desires the client has relative to their situation – please contact us to discuss your questions and / or inquire about scenarios of concern you would like to address.

An AlpinHaus Exclusive. AlpinHaus Protection Dogs can conduct a Search of your Home upon Command if you think that an Intruder might have broken in while you were away. Our Dogs are trained to go through each part of the Home, in a sequenced pattern, effectively clearing your home while looking for the Threat as you wait safely outside and call the police. If a Threat is discovered, it is immediately put into a Bark & Hold, effectively immobilized until authorities arrive. In the event that the Threat attempts to flee or harm the Dog, the Dog will Auto-Attack and neutralize the Threat immediately. This is a bespoke offering that must be customized to each client based on the particular residence or office etc layout and needs / desires the client has relative to their situation – please contact us to discuss your questions and / or inquire about scenarios of concern you would like to address.

AlpinHaus Protection Dogs can be trained to conduct a Search and Rescue for a missing person of your family in the event that this is needed or desired. There are different levels of complexity involved in SAR – from terrain type, length of time the person has been missing, to distance of Search – please contact us to discuss your questions and / or inquire about scenarios of concern you would like to address.

Based in Europe and the United States – We Hand Deliver Worldwide.

United States: (855) 922-3101

Europe: +33 (0)6 47 91 40 91