Welcome to the highest Level of Sophistication that currently exists in the Personal and Family Protection space:

X Line by AlpinHaus.

X Line features two Level III Dynamic Defense Dogs working in tandem together so as to guarantee that a Threat is neutralized. X Line presents the answer to the question, “But What If….” that inevitably arises when contemplating Planning and Response Mechanisms to Threat Scenarios. In the highly unlikely event that one of the AlpinHaus Protection Dogs is taken out of commission during a live Scenario, the other one is there to complete the Mission and ensure it’s Success. For those that leave nothing to chance and refuse to accept low-probability / high-impact risks, X Line is the answer. X Line Dogs are the most expensive Protection Dogs in the world. They are raised from puppies born of the same litter. X Line Dogs take a projected 2 years to develop. Only two pairs of X Line Dogs are currently being prepared per year.

Based in Europe and the United States – We Hand Deliver Worldwide.

United States: (855) 922-3101

Europe: +33 (0)6 47 91 40 91